03.10.2003 at 16:07

I am proud to admit my faith has been restored in Social Services, I have just had a visit from Vivienne, a Social Worker from East Lothian Council.


I have to get the following things for the house:

Overbed table
Bed rail
Grabber thingy
Bath seat
Stool so I can wash in bathroom
Tap grips
Bath rail
Loo rail

I am also getting an attractive alarm necklace to wear, so I press it if I need help and they phone someone for me. I am also getting a Phsyiotherapist, with a view to getting a wheelchair of my own.

My mum is absolutely knackered just now, with working full time, looking after me and house etc etc. I've to talk through with her, the possibility of getting someone in to help me get washed and dressed in the morning, someone to come in at lunch time and a home help. I'm not sure if we'll be too keen on that though... we'll see.

She has also referring me to Welfare Rights team, to see if we can get this DLA application moving, and to figure out where we could stand with my mum cutting her hours and getting Carers Allowance to make up difference... There is so much to talk about!

My head is spinning round, full of information... Right now I am lying flat on my bed typing with one hand, I just had to share my news before I exploded but now I must sleep.

Thanks for all your messages, they mean the world to me and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

With lots of love and hugs

Anne xx

PS... Lynne.... THANK YOU!!

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