I'm forever blowing bubbles
31.08.2003 at 07:49

Yesterday was a good day. There was my jaunt out in the morning, a refreshing sleep in the afternoon and then a chance to blow bubbles without feeling "odd" in the afternoon :-)

I was thinking about it, that is the first birthday party I've *been* to in about 2 1/2 years, which is weird! And it is definately the first where it didn't matter what I looked like - at all!

Today, I need to try and do a couple of things, one is tidy up - I do 5/10 mins then rest for half an hour... but I have been trying to tidy up for ages, it's just SO much energy! I'm actually a very tidy person, I just don't have the energy or the space to shine to my full potential! You just have to look in my 'sock drawer' to see I am, there are 4 shoe boxes... 1 for dark, 1 for light, 1 for sleep socks and 1 for tights... although I can't remember the last time I had tights on... Tights are evil!

The other thing I need to do is wash my hair, I think it has been a week (how gross is that?!) again, it is just so much effort, even with my mum doing it for me... why does washed hair need to be wet?! It is so annoying!

I need to stop using eBay, I am getting far to addicted! But I can't stop... it has already drawn me in!! In a month of membership I have managed to fully complete my Roald Dahl Book Collection which I think is not bad going! (I love Roald Dahl - just for the record!)

I'm just looking at this, I'm on my 6th paragraph and not really spoken about anything in particular - oh well!

I'll toddle off now, especially since it is 8am on a Sunday morning - why?!

Have a tiddly pom day

Love and hugs

Anne xx

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� Anne Ferguson Nov 2003